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Beet Salad with Carrot Top Pesto

Beet Salad with Carrot Top Pesto

For the longest time, I was not a beet fan. They had a bizarre texture, I thought they tasted a bit too…earthy…and I just preferred other vegetables. But that all changed one day when I had a french roasted beet salad doused in a yummy vinaigrette. Now every so often I get intense cravings for a good old beet salad. And low and behold, when I got some beautiful golden beets in my Imperfect Produce box recently, I knew exactly what I was going to do. Classic by no means, this Beet Salad with Carrot Top Pesto is succulent and hard to stop eating.

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Gochujang Roasted Winter Vegetables

Gochujang Roasted Winter Vegetables

We have been so spoiled this year with a warm(ish) and dry(ish) winter here in Portland. While it’s still been a little chilly, it’s been hard for me to not just kick start into spring already! Yet it is only mid-February and there is still plenty of winter dishes and fresh produce to enjoy before we move on to the next season. So I took some beautiful delicata squash and brussels sprouts and made these Gochujang Roasted Winter Vegetables this last weekend. And holy cow, let me tell you, they are some of the most addicting vegetables I have ever made!

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Garlic Dill Roasted Potatoes

Garlic Dill Roasted Potatoes

Continuing on with this mini-series of great vegetable side dishes, I bring you the humble potato. I love how versatile potatoes are and how they marry so well with so many different flavor combinations. Not everything needs to be complicated, and these garlic dill roasted potatoes are easy to make, and addicting to eat!

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Orange Pistachio Salad

Orange Pistachio Salad

I’m working on highlighting some delicious side dishes this month because I feel like they are often overlooked and under-appreciated. I whipped up this refreshing orange pistachio salad over the weekend and honestly could have eaten many servings of it. It is light and really highlights the powerful flavor of winter oranges.

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