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Basic Crepes

Crepe Week: Foolproof Crepes

Happy Crepe Week!

There is so much to do/celebrate/eat this week, it’s hard to know what to make! Lunar New Year, Super Bowl, and the upcoming Valentine’s Day… But my favorite day lands smack dab in the middle of them all – February 2: La Chandeleur! This special French day translates directly as Candlemas, but is colloquially referred to as crepe day. A real, official day devoted to eating your weight in crepes! (Ok, maybe not quite that much, but I’ll take any excuse to eat crepe after crepe). And so, it must begin with some foolproof crepes.

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Cranberry Orange Bread

Cranberry Orange Bread

My parents recently gave me a huge bag of cranberries fresh from the farm down the road from where they live. They are beautiful, colorful little berries. Since it’s the season for baking, I opted to use a few of them for a simple but delicious treat – a cranberry orange bread.

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