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Mushroom Duxelles Brioche Rolls

Mushroom Duxelles Brioche Rolls

These fun buns came to be out of a desire to make cinnamon rolls, but also wanting a savory treat. I love satisfyingly springy brioche dough, and honestly, the more recipes I can come up with that use it, the better. But not everything needs to be sugary sweet. These Mushroom Duxelles Brioche Rolls are a great companion to your fall meals this year. They are earthy, herby, and fun to eat, as well!

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Ginger Carrot Bread

Ginger Carrot Bread

I never enjoy seeing summer drift away. The shorter evenings, the cooler weather, and often times here – the rain. But there is so much I love about fall, too, so here we are, preparing for cooler weather, and making the most of it! One thing I don’t usually do much of in the summer is baking (too hot!), but this Ginger Carrot Bread not only screams sweater weather, but it can warm you up on a cool evening, or morning for breakfast!

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No-Knead Dutch Oven Bread

No-Knead Dutch Oven Bread

Bread has sort of scared me. I mean, I love bread, but making it always seemed like such a hassle. So much planning and waiting…. But what I never really thought about, was that all that waiting actually means that it isn’t THAT much work to make a wonderful loaf of bread. It just means you need to be alert enough to respond to a timer going off! This no-knead dutch oven bread has the added bonus of not needing to be kneaded (hehe) so it’s a great place to start is you’re a little hesitant about bread making as well.

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Homemade Naan

Homemade Naan

Though I have always been a baker of sweet treats (pies, cakes, cookies and the like), I have never jumped into the world of bread making. Until now. With Chicken Tikka Masala cooking in the crockpot, we decided to step up our game by making some homemade naan. We used this recipe from Once Upon A Chef due to its apparent simplicity. We chose not to use the anise seeds the first couple tries, though I think it would be a fun addition next time!

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